A heritage statement was commissioned with the purpose of supporting an application for a replacement extension and basement to the main building and a new mews building. Our historical research allowed us to identify the significant elements of the building.

An initial assessment appraised the proposed in relation to the building line and footprint of the other adjacent buildings with rear extensions. We reached the conclusions that a proposal would be complimentary and if designed sympathetically would tidy up the uncomfortable alignment that currently exists.

Understanding this history of change allowed us to make the case for alterations to the interior. Design of a basement would be not visible from surrounding properties or the subject building, and architects were advised that by being constructed independently to the historic fabric, it would have no impact on the listed building.

A well articulated extension that would present itself discretely to the gardens and to Earls Walk was considered a viable feature that would draw attention to the quality of the listed building behind and those to the sides.